Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Long time....gone by way too fast!

I know it's been a REALLY long time since I have posted anything at all on here. So much so that my header is not coming up. Is it that I haven't had much to say? Life getting in the way? Both! Things are crazy now, Peanut is in Elemetary school and Sweet Pea started 3K so I thought I would have lots of time to get things done. Not so much. I feel like the days are all blending together. Whoever hit the fast forward button needs to stop.

A much needed girls trip is scheduled in less than a week and a half so maybe I can catch my breath. The trip is going to be awesome, I just can't get myself to stop thinking about the mess I will come home to. My hubby is wonderful with the boys when it is just them, he just forgets to do the stuff around the house. Maybe he will surprise me with a clean house when I get back. Dare I dream?


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