Thursday, July 8, 2010

Trying something New

Ok, Summer is a VERY TRYING time of year. I knew Pnut would have some issues adjusting from the school schedule to the less scheduled summer, but I really didn't think it would be like this. I am at a loss for ways to help him.

He has become obsessed with anything electronic. Comupters, gaming systems, get the picture. I know everyone says their kids are addicted and obsessed with games, even typical kids. I know they are trying to make light of it and make it seem "normal". I just can not get them to understand the extent of his obsession. He can talk of nothing else. He wakes up asking to play a game, and all day long that is all he can talk about. If you tell him no he can't play a game he goes crazy, screaming, hitting and kicking. He just totally looses it, We make him earn game time at home, but when his time is up he looses it. Throwing anything in sight, including chairs, and comes out hitting and kicking. I have expressed concern with his therapists and they feel we are looking at OCD. We have an appointment with the psychiatrist, but it is two months away. I am not a big fan of medicating my child and have thus far stuck to behavioral therapies. We recently started delving into some vitamin suppliments. Omega 3 is supposed to help with behavior in children with ADD and ADHD, which most kids on the spectrum also have, so we started that. No change as of yet.

Our newest adventure will begin in a week and a half. We are meeting with a Chairopractor. I know what you are thinking, but we are exploring all options. A friend usese her and she reccomended we talk to her from a nutrition standpoint. I have talked with her and got a little better understanding of what she does. I am intrugued about the information she can gather from the hair analysis she does. If I can help him come back to the real world and eliminate his anger without chemicals I am going to explore it.

I am sure everyone I talk to is sick of hearing about Autism, behavior issues, suppliments and such. I am so sorry my mind has been on one track this summer. This is the worst I have seen him and it frankly scares the crap out of me. I feel like I am loosing my child. He is typically such a sweet loving child and I want him back!


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