Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is there a switch that gets flipped?.....

I swear there must be some kind of switch that automatically flips when a child turns two! My little Sweet Pea has always been such a complacent child and easy to put down for naps and at night. Not anymore! He spent two hours crying and scraming before he finally went to sleep. (no I didn't leave him to cry all that time I went to check on him in between) It's not just the sleep thing either, he has become defiant! I tell him no touch and what does he do....goes right back over and touches it all the while looking straight at me as if to say "what are you going to do". UUUGGGHHH!


Look at that sweet little face....looks like an angel doesn't he?!............

3 Response:

Anonymous said...

I think that there definitely is a switch! Now if we could just find out where it is and switch it back off......

I'm a Mom!..? said...

I feel your pain!!!

Candice said...

I'm not so sure about a switch. Abby was like this since she was born.


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