Thursday, May 1, 2008

What the!!??!!

How can a person who spends one hour with my child once a week possibly think they know more about my child than I do? Preview into our big meeting in two weeks, it is not going to be a friendly meeting.

This Speech Therapist thinks that she knows more than a multi-diciplinary group about Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders? She told me today that they have his diagnosis all wrong and he has OCD and ADD. HMMM where is your PHD? I'm sorry but I am more inclined to believe the people who are trying to help my child than those who are trying to get out of it.

And get this she said his teacher sees ABSOLUTELY NO difference in him and the rest of the kids in his class and she has a note to prove it. I'm sorry but ARE YOU KIDDDING me you honestly see no difference in the language??!! The kid can't tell you what he did today but that is normal for a 4 year old? Um I don't think so. I am so glad next year he will have a liscenced teacher and not just someone's mom that needed to get out of the house!

1 Response:

Anonymous said...

I say we go down to that school, I sit on her and you whip her ass. Just to make you feel better.

Let me know what day is convenient for you.....


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