Monday, November 3, 2008

One of those stories

This is one of those stories that is so cute you have to share it with the world. Peanut has not napped in some time and I never get anything done around the house, so today I told him if he wasn't going to nap he was going to help clean. To my surprise he was eager to help. He grabbed the broom and attempted to sweep the floor, then took the duster and dusted a few things. It came time to empty the dishwasher and apparently the dishes were still a little warm. He immediately went to the drawer and grabbed some oven mits and began unloading the dishes. How smart is this kid! I had to run and grab the camera, this was most definitely a Kodak moment.

5 Response:

Kim said...

too cute!

Candice said...

What a big helper!!!!

*Yankee Belle* said...

Does he do bathrooms?! Send him my way. =)

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Smart mommy, smart kid!

Amber B. said...

I'm impressed. Send him over here!!


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