I was in a conversation last night and it really made me think about a lot that has been said in the last few months during this election. I do not pretend to know everything nor do I think I am always right, but I am entitled to my opinion and my vote. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, I do not believe in settling with a party that agrees with some of my views so I do not call myself either. Truth be known I have taken quizzes in the past and I align with the Libertarians, but we know that there are really only two parties here that control everything so I will focus on that. There are a few things that really disturbed me so I am asking you to shed some light on these issues if you can.
1. What is with straight party ballot voting? Do you research all the candidates? Do you know what they stand for. In my opinion a vote should be based on the issues and if the candidate will do the job. There were some races I didn't like either candidate so I didn't vote because I couldn't decide who was the "lesser evil" Why would you want to put someone in a position if you are unsure of the job they will do. I have heard the phrase "My views typically align with ________ party so I just always vote ________" Well what if in that election the person who is running does not align with your views and you missed that fact because you just blankly voted, I know this sounds harsh and you will probably think it's rude but you will hear it more than once from me, but voting strictly by party affiliation and not the issues is irresponsible. (just my opinion)
2. I did not grow up in the south and I was not raised to look at people based on their color, authenticity or religion so maybe that is why I don't get this. How is it ok for a black person to vote for Obama just because he is black, but not for someone to not vote for him because he is black. Both are forms of racism in my opinion. Again people it is about the issues here, NOT COLOR! Again irresponsible voting.
3. Why do you base your vote on something that personally does not affect you, or is not really going to affect the person in the office that term. Case in point the hot button issue of abortion. Now let me just state, I am pro-choice but not pro-abortion. I do not feel it should be a government issue. Now partial birth abortions is another thing, to me that is just murder. Truthfully, think about it would you ever have an abortion? If not then it really does not affect you life so it should be a non issue in this case. In all honesty it is not the President who decides on RoevWade it is the Supreme Court. Yes the President appoints the members of the court, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no one about to retire or die in the next four years so again their views on abortion are a non issue in this election.
I won't get into some of the other issues, these are the few that I think are non partisan so I can get slammed by both parties equally for my opinions.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Political Bull
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RM in this election it would not have mattered. Obama is por-choice (took a lot to get him to say that at first, but he is) and McCain said he would like to see RvW reversed and sent to the states (meaning, imo, it should not be a decision made by fed. govt), but if it meant women would have to have back street abortions he would not want it overturned.
First...good for you my2suns! It is completely irresponsible to vote for a Rep or Dem beside a name instead of voting on a person, their beliefs, their policies, and their records. I do consider myself a Republican (or more accurately a Conservative), but will NEVER vote without knowledge of who and what I am voting for. I hope you have started some thinking out there!
Second...the topic at hand, abortion. It is time to start acknowledging right and wrong and standing up for it, no matter what the flack. If you believe that life begins at conception then THERE IS NO CHOICE! If you do not then you are PRO ABORTION! To stand in the middle and say "the gov't should decide" or "it's not my place to judge" is a cop-out! Middle of the road has brought us to a place where a 13yr old girl can kill a child WITHOUT HER PARENTS EVER KNOWING! And before you even start with the rape and incest "argument"...there is NO evil known to man that would allow wrath against a child. period.
You are wrong. There are five supreme court justices age 70 or over. Supreme Court Justice Paul Stevens is 88 years old. The chances of another Supreme Court Justice being assigned in the next four years is a great possibility.
In fact life expectancy given his date of birth is only 74.8 years. Feel free to check my data from the National Vital statistics Report published by the Center for Disease Control.
Actuartial tables give him about a less than 4% chance to make it throught this term.
BTW, if I was in a life threatening postion, I would have an abortion.
My view regarding abortion? My body, my choice. I don't feel any need to give any justification other than that. My body, my choice. CHOICE. Me. Mine.
As far as the supreme court goes, well, I say better safe than sorry.
Bet you get a lot of comments on this one, chick!!!
who is Bluntbuthonest? Guess they aren't blunt enough to link to their page or indicate who they are.
BM, Bluntbuthonest is my friend in FL. (not the one you met) She just set up an account to post because I sent her a link. Believe me when I say the name turly fits her and thats why I love her, you always know where you stand, kind of like you.
Blue Momma
I don't have a page...I am a 38yr old woman, a mother, a wife, a loving and respectful daughter, a fierce friend, opinionated, vocal, always honest, and (believe it or not) sometimes the one to get the blood boiling.
As to your remark of "my body, my choice", do you believe that of all things, or just abortion? Meaning...drugs? suicide?...If abortion is legal on the "my body, my choice" argument, why aren't these things?
Uh, lets see. I guess my answer would be yes. Drugs - at least some of them - taxed and regulated should definitely be legal, IMHO. Suicide, well, it really sucks, but if your world is all or nothing then I guess it will be legal, too.
I am a 40(argh)year old wife, mother, blah, blah, blah who only wants people to keep their religious beliefs to themselves and not impose them on me. Don't have an abortion if you feel it isn't the right thing for you. I understand people have beliefs which are very important to them and I can respect that. I just take issue with people trying to impose those beliefs upon me.
I find it interesting that you mentioned religious beliefs. Nowhere in either my arguments, or my description of myself, is there ANY reference to ANY kind of religion or the beliefs of a religion. Do you really think the only way I could have this opinion is if it was given to me through some "good book". I know life begins at conception, not because I was "taught" it, but because I have been blessed enough to have it inside me. You say "wife, mother, blah, blah, blah" as if the facets of who you are don't matter. They do to me. It is not religion that tells me abortion (or drugs, or suicide, etc.) is wrong. It is life experience and common sense. With that, I have enjoyed the debate, I wish you and your family all the health and happiness this great life allows, and I will at this time CHOOSE to continue to respectively disagree. :)
I still stand 100% by all that I said.
But boy do I ever have a headache now.
Blah, blah, blah, amen.
I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that people who claim to be "pro-life" seem to have no regard for the mothers and babies once they are born.
It's not rich, happy married couples who are getting pregnant and having abortions. They are kids...with no education, no money, little to no support from home and more often than not, no sense.
I have worked with abused children, children of drug addicts and exploited children. Believe me, it's no kind of life you'd ever want to lead. It's no life at all.
Most pregnant teenagers don't have a mom running for V.P. with access to every resource. Most of them don't even know where their OWN mothers are.
The same people who fight so hard to keep women from having abortions are the same people who turn their backs on these young mothers and children by fighting "welfare" programs that are designed help young mothers cope with their new life circumstances...or even prevent them from getting themselves into the situation in the first place by teaching sex education and birth control.
I'm wary of people who want to legislate the morality of others. I have unfortunately observed people standing up in church on Sunday, screaming at the top of their lungs that "it's a child, not a choice" then sneaking their 16-year-old daughter to the abortion clinic on Monday so no one will think they are "that family."
The moral high ground is hard to keep because you never truly know what you are going to do in a situation until you are confronted with it.
I just want to clarify my point...if you insist that all life is precious and all women must legally go through with an unplanned pregnancy, then you better be willing to put your money where your mouth is and support programs to help them. Most of these kids are not in a position to help themselves.
Life is just as precious outside the womb as it is inside the womb.
Just so we are on the same page I am PRO-CHOICE, I myself would never do it but as I stated I am not pro-abortion either. I just feel my words are twisted in all this.
No two people have the same views on everything. My whole purpose, an I think I stated that in the post, was to hear from the other side of my views to educate myself as to why people make the choices they do. I am not attacking anyone nor do I feel I am being disrepectful so I would appreciate the same. I know politics is a very personal and passionate subject, however we are all adults and should be able to have a discussion without being nasty. If no one really wants to "enlighten" me but wants to simply argue then this post has done nothing.
Wow, I just want to say you have a right to your opinion as much as anyone else does. But I feel that in the end I want to be able to face my Lord and know that what I did was what He taught me to do. And if anyone thinks that is dumb well by the time we all really find out, it is too late to change your mind.
As for abortion, I don't get the my body my choice stand. It is your body but that isn't your life. I can't kill my child today or when she first born. What on earth is the difference between that and abortion?
The great news is we can all decide for ourselves where we want to spend eternity, and I have made my choice. I am not perfect but I do try to live a life based on Christian values. I have yet to see a case where following a 10 commandment wasn't the best choice for a situation.
I guess all I am saying is that you should speak your mind. As should all the other people here.
You don't have to apologize to anyone for your views.
Amy - outside of my body is one thing, inside is another. I feel that while inside of the mothers body it is her choice. For me that is the difference between an abortion and the killing of a live child. You have to draw the line somewhere and for me, that line is drawn at birth - or somewhere pretty damn close to it.
I pointed out yesterday that this post would get comments and it certainly has. It mentioned a few hot button topics and people will tend to voice their opinions. I don't take voicing an opposing opinion to be attacking anyone. If so, then the post was equally attacking.
Personally don't think either were. And just to be clear - my first comment simply stated my opinion. My next were in response to Blunt. Maybe next time on this kind of post turn off comments!!:$
If you did not like my comments, please feel free to delete them.
I, myself, would never have an abortion, nor would I want my daughter to have one...but the fact of the matter is that we have a real problem in our country with unplanned preganancies. So what are we going to do about it?
If we agree that all life is precious, why do we then fight our government when it tries to institute "welfare" programs to help these teenage moms?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I just don't see how you can have it both ways.
If you did not like my comments, please feel free to delete them.
I, myself, would never have an abortion, nor would I want my daughter to have one...but the simple fact of the matter is that we have a real problem in our country with unplanned preganancies. It's a crisis really. So what are we going to do about it?
If we agree that all life is precious, why do we then fight our government when it tries to institute "welfare" programs to help these teenage moms?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I just don't see how you can have it both ways.
K, just letting you know I deleted mine b/c I didn't know there was a backstory from bunco, I wasn't there and should keep my thoughts to myself.
I don't know what everyone has said or done, but this is not about Bunko! Nothing happened at Bunko it just spurred my quest for insight into other sides os the view. This has gone so far from where I wanted it to so lets just let it go.
I know I'm a little late to this topic but thought I would share a little something different on the abortion issue. I have been pro-life pretty much all of my life. When I got pregnant with the twins, they were super high risk. There was talk about neither of them making it, both of them being severely disabled if they did. There was talk about the possibility of having to sacrifice one for the other.... These were all horrible thoughts to have to deal with. I didn't find out until I was 20 weeks into the pregnancy, and I honestly can not tell you what I would have done if I would have found out at 8 weeks, facing those odds, I really can't say. What I can tell you is that at that point in time it hit me that I should be thankful that I have the right to make my own decision. We are fortunate enough to be able to afford what could have been thrown at us, but think about all the others that couldn't afford to raise 2 special needs babies. The government should not have the right to tell you what to do with your body. Period.
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