Sunday, February 24, 2008

What was I thinking

So you know we have a new puppy. Well in telling my mom about the puppy I told her about these Basset Hound puppies that a lady had at the vet the same time. She immediately exclamed "Oh, I would love a Basset puppy". The parents have been considering another dog for a while now so I asked if she was serious and if she was I would get it for her for her birthday, which is this week.

Why didn't someone slap me? I offered to hang on to the pup until she gets here in two weeks! That makes 4 dogs in my house right now. The little bastard has peed on my floor so many times I am about to kill him. I don't know how he does it. He walks around the entire yard peeing and then comes in and five minutes later he is peeing on the floor again! He peed on the floor more times in the first 4 hours we had him then our sweet Bela has the entire week. (Bela by the way whines at the door to go out, how cool is that we have a pretty smart cookie here)

Ok, so what the biggest problem is, he is SO DAMN CUTE I can't stay mad at him! NO FAIR!

I blame it on Peanut, he picked him out!

2 Response:

Anonymous said...

Awww, he is cute! Must work on getting that puppy for me, uh, I mean Punkin.....

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Very cute!!!


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