Monday, February 25, 2008

Why even bother

My husband says he is going to help "clean" the house and he will start by cleaning the bathrooms upstairs to make things easier this week for me. So I'm upstairs bathing the boys and I look at the toilet and it is still dirty. I know he "swished the bowl" but that does not make for a clean toilet. The whole thing needs to be wiped down from top to bottom, hello we have two little boys peeing in there and they don't really have good aim at this age. Next we are brushing teeth and I get a look at the mirror, yep you guessed it he did not wipe that down either. So according to him all you need to do to clean the bathroom is wipe the tub, counters and inside of the toilet bowl. Yes hunny you made it so much easier for me. I still have to clean the bathrooms myself!

2 Response:

Kelly said...

Ha! I feel your husband thinks that just spraying the shower with Tilex counts as cleaning.

I keep telling him it doesn't disintegrate the dirt, you still have to wipe it away!

*Yankee Belle* said...

I dont even bother anymore. We joke but it is true...he pays the bills, I do EVERYTHING else. :0{


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