Saturday, March 29, 2008

Amazing art`

Peanut had a birthday party to attend today for a little girl in his class. According to her he is her favorite person even grandma and grandpa were checking him out because she talks so much about him. How cute is that! I have a little stud muffin on my hands here. Apparently two other little girls in his class say the same thing. Hmmm, what really goes on in preschool.

One of the gifts the little girl got was a hand painted canvas with her name and the meaning of it. It was so beautiful. It was done by one of the other moms in his class. This woman does some amazing artwork! For Christmas she hand painted an ornament for each child that had them on it, and the detail on these were phenomenal! So I overhear her talking to another mom, this one I didn't know, and she is now making them to sell. You have to go check out her site.

I am getting the canvas with the boys names on it. If you tell her the style you want and colors she can do it to your specifications.

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