Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Talk, Talk, Talk

This has been an incredible week! Peanut has been talking so much and actually telling us things.

New sentences:

"Momma, I go playground"
"Momma, I want drink"
"Momma, I don't want it"
"I go pee outside" (long story, I won't get into it)
"I want little table"
"I want write"
"I don't want wake up, I tired"
"You got a be nice to papa"

So I know there are a lot of wants, but thats the kicker he never really told us what he wanted in an actually sentence it was always "milk" or "water" and always in a very whiney voice. It is awesome to hear him say "momma, I want...."

3 Response:

Kelly said...

What a breakthrough! Good for Peanut!

Seis said...

We have speech delayed child at our house also. I know how every word makes so much difference. Every new word eases the frustation and the worries. I hope that this is the start to a slippery slope of non-stop talking :).

Little Red's Momma said...

So happy for you !!! I just want to know what your doing to "papa"? ;o)


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