Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry to all you mothers of "Perfect" children because mine are definitely not

I'm sorry to all you mothers who do not understand that a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder does not behave like your perfect little angels

I'm sorry that you are so narrow minded that you feel that only you know how to parent

I'm sorry but your "If you put enough fear in them they will listen" does not work with children with Autism, they only retreat further if you scare them

I'm sorry that you don't understand that a younger sibling ALWAYS looks to the older for how to act and when that sibling has Autism they may pick up some bad behaviors

I'm sorry you feel that it is your right to judge me, I thought that God was to be the only one to pass judgement

I'm sorry thzt you are so perfect yourself that you can't understand that shit happens

I am so very sorry that you will never fully understand what a blessing this child is

I'm sorry if you are reading this and came for entertainment and only got my ranting

OK, I am DONE apologizing

I am NOT sorry that God entrusted me with this perfect little angel

I am NOT sorry that he had so much faith in me that he thought I would be able to love and nurture a child with a disability

I am NOT sorry that I choose not to SCARE my children into submission

I am NOT sorry for the choices I make

13 Response:

random_mommy said...

spoken like a mother who knows what's best for her children.

Anonymous said...

Tell it, sista!!!

Never feel you need to apologize for you kids. Really. You are welcome at our house anytime.

Poodlehead said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Poodlehead said...

I was the deleted comment by the way - I had to edit the "f" word I used ;)

Here is what I said:

Amen! I hear you! THIS is the attitude I love. F*** those that give you a hard time about anything having to do with YOUR life. It's YOUR life and YOUR kids and YOU know best. You have NOTHING to apologize for - let them walk a mile in your shoes and see how it goes. Stay strong and don't be sorry. There are definitely better people in the world.

Candice said...

Believe me I know how you feel (remember "I'm that Mom"). If this is about today, we were trying to get some things organized for Ladydoos. I'm trying to get a booth at the Buck Creek Festival and needed some help from Melanie with that.

Kelly said...

It's astonishing how cruel people can be sometimes.

I'm so sorry you had this experience and it sounds as though it came from a "friend", which makes it even more hurtful.

Friendship is supposed to lift you up, not beat you down...I want my friends to be supportive, caring and sympathetic and in return they can always count on those same qualities from me.

Stay strong, Peanut is very lucky to have a mother like you who knows what he needs and is willing to do everything it takes to get it for him, including standing up to those who would be cruel to him.

Little Red's Momma said...

I love you and those sweet boys !!!

Heather S. said...

Screw all of the people who may be judging you! They don't live with you and see all of the great times you have with those boys! For the record I have never seen either of your boys act up.

Amber B. said...

You are a wonderful mommy, and you're right...God has given you your boys, so you know what is best for them. Keep your chin up!!

Becky said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! You could not have said it better.... Thank you!

J said...

You are an incredible Mom facing a situation that few understand. I'm so sorry that someone decided to weigh in on something that is apparently far from what they are capable of comprehending. Just know that there are many people who feel like you are doing a wonderful job!

Emma in Canada said...

That was a fantastic post. We should never have to apologize for our children.

Becca said...

God bless you and your sweet boys.


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