Saturday, September 22, 2007

Autism and Vaccines

So my sister recently sent me a link to an article about Jenny McCarthy. It talks a little about her book about her experiences with Autism. I am not beating up on the book or her segment, what I have issue with is some of the comments that I read. I get so unnerved that people think that just because they read it on the internet it must be true. Here is a comment that I have (although I could not get it posted I thought I would share with you)

Everyone is talking about the Hg levels in vaccines, if your child was born in 2001 or after the vaccine formulas were changed and the Thimerasol was removed. I have researched this on many websites, becaus I too have a child that is developentally delayed and has been tested for Autism. The problem with the internet is you don't know who it is that is writing this stuff. You can find a website validating anythig, the key is you must read EVERYTHING before jumping to conclusions. Here is an exerpt from a reputable site. "By mid-2000, thimerosal-free vaccines against hepatitis B and bacterial meningitis were widely available. A combination vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus is also available today without thimerosal. Measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), chickenpox, inactivated polio, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have never contained thimerosal. Thus, except for some influenza vaccine, none of the vaccines now used to protect preschool children against 12 infectious diseases contain thimerosal as a preservative. Certain flu vaccines and tetanus-diphtheria vaccines (Td) given to children age 7 and older still contain thimerosal as a preservative." There has to be more to it than just blaming the vaccines. I really do not feel that the people that have sworn an oath to heal would put our children in harms way. More money for research must be alocated. There are also studies that could convince you that any amount of television your child watches could cause Autism. Let's all throw out our televisions they are evil......

Ok, off my soapbox

1 Response:

I'm a Mom!..? said...

There is soooo much info out there, I would love to see more research dollars spent on trying to figure this one out!!!


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