Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I'm sitting in my living room playing with Peanut and look out the window to see a little boy peeing in my front yard! How rude is that! What nerve he has, I mean we live on the corner it is broad daylight and the bus is coming any minute, which is why he was out there in the first place.

Yes the bus stop is right in front of my house for three different buses! UUUGGGGGHHHHHH!

4 Response:

Anonymous said...

How old was the kid? I think I'd be having a talk with someones mother! Did you say anything?

Ok, too many questions. I am way overprotective of "my" things and "my" space and that kid would have just violated both of them.

My kid just pees in his own underwear, not other people's yards. Twice today. Not having a good time right now.

My2Suns said...

The boy was school age. After I thought about it more I was mad. I'm keeping a look out today! Let him try it again.....

I'm a Mom!..? said...

Oh no!! Maybe you could post a sign or something :o)

Hewy Nosleep said...

LOL! I did the same thing in the backyard when I was a kid!

I did it so often that I killed the grass behind the corner of the house.

My dad flipped out ;)


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