I was in a conversation last night and it really made me think about a lot that has been said in the last few months during this election. I do not pretend to know everything nor do I think I am always right, but I am entitled to my opinion and my vote. I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, I do not believe in settling with a party that agrees with some of my views so I do not call myself either. Truth be known I have taken quizzes in the past and I align with the Libertarians, but we know that there are really only two parties here that control everything so I will focus on that. There are a few things that really disturbed me so I am asking you to shed some light on these issues if you can.
1. What is with straight party ballot voting? Do you research all the candidates? Do you know what they stand for. In my opinion a vote should be based on the issues and if the candidate will do the job. There were some races I didn't like either candidate so I didn't vote because I couldn't decide who was the "lesser evil" Why would you want to put someone in a position if you are unsure of the job they will do. I have heard the phrase "My views typically align with ________ party so I just always vote ________" Well what if in that election the person who is running does not align with your views and you missed that fact because you just blankly voted, I know this sounds harsh and you will probably think it's rude but you will hear it more than once from me, but voting strictly by party affiliation and not the issues is irresponsible. (just my opinion)
2. I did not grow up in the south and I was not raised to look at people based on their color, authenticity or religion so maybe that is why I don't get this. How is it ok for a black person to vote for Obama just because he is black, but not for someone to not vote for him because he is black. Both are forms of racism in my opinion. Again people it is about the issues here, NOT COLOR! Again irresponsible voting.
3. Why do you base your vote on something that personally does not affect you, or is not really going to affect the person in the office that term. Case in point the hot button issue of abortion. Now let me just state, I am pro-choice but not pro-abortion. I do not feel it should be a government issue. Now partial birth abortions is another thing, to me that is just murder. Truthfully, think about it would you ever have an abortion? If not then it really does not affect you life so it should be a non issue in this case. In all honesty it is not the President who decides on RoevWade it is the Supreme Court. Yes the President appoints the members of the court, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but there is no one about to retire or die in the next four years so again their views on abortion are a non issue in this election.
I won't get into some of the other issues, these are the few that I think are non partisan so I can get slammed by both parties equally for my opinions.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Political Bull
Monday, November 3, 2008
One of those stories
This is one of those stories that is so cute you have to share it with the world. Peanut has not napped in some time and I never get anything done around the house, so today I told him if he wasn't going to nap he was going to help clean. To my surprise he was eager to help. He grabbed the broom and attempted to sweep the floor, then took the duster and dusted a few things. It came time to empty the dishwasher and apparently the dishes were still a little warm. He immediately went to the drawer and grabbed some oven mits and began unloading the dishes. How smart is this kid! I had to run and grab the camera, this was most definitely a Kodak moment.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pretend play
This may seem a little silly, but I just had to post this video! I had to get the hubby to film it because he already saw me with the camera and started posing. What is the big deal? Well he is now pretend playing, all his speech in this video is spontaneous, and no dialogueing!!!! Huge step!! Over the last two weeks I have seen this really emerge and I am just busting at the seams with happiness. He finally knows what to do with his toys and that they are not just objects to throw or kick around.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
School is here
Yea! School has finally started. Hubby are I were hoping the structure would settle Peanut down since he does so well with structure. So far, no such luck. His teacher said he is impulsive, she has trouble keeping him to task and he gets up and wanders. HMMM, those were the things we kept trying to get the school board last year to recognize and they said we were nuts and he didn't do any of those things. I commented to his teacher that they kept telling us last year that he had no such issues and she said maybe it was because 3K is a lot more relaxed and they geat more play time.
Good news though we have a new speech therapist and new case manager this year. They came before school started to the house and worked with him here so they get a sense of how he is outside of school.
I just hope that the ABA therapist is able to shed some light for us. This week has been HELL! Every day he comes home he is so wired and MEAN! We have two more weeks before she comes to observe him, I hope she goes to the school before then.
This may be a long year for us, I was so hoping for the best and that he would be able to be mainstream next year. The way things are right now I just don't see it happening. Why did they not listen??!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hanging out and having fun
Blue Momma left Punkin over at our house the other day and the boys all had a ball
We danced and sang until they were all worn out and wanted to rest.
How cute are they!?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
How Does yours fit?
So late last night I was doing my Sudoku puzzle and look up to see hubby is watching a program on bbc about large breasts. (I know he is such a perv!) I'm half listening and the one girl (only 19) was getting fitted for a bra, and was told that the one she had was all wrong. Did you know that most women don't buy bras that are the right fit? Most women get a size and stick with it through out their whole life. This intrigued me, so I put down the puzzle and listened. The girl went in there thinking she was a 32EE and come to find out she is actually a 30G. Huge, I know! The lady explained that the bra should come around the back in a straight line and if it raises up it is too small. She also said that you should feel the underwire on your ribs and there should be no gap in the front.
I was actually "measured" at Victoria Secret once and told that the size thought I wore was wrong, I just thought the little girl was inexperienced. I did buy the size she said thinking this would never fit , but to my surprise it fit much more comfortably than my other ones.
So this leads to my question....How does yours fit and have you been measured before? Am I the only dork that waited until I was in my 30's before I got a proper fitting bra.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The switch has been flipped
No it is not a bad switch either! I read so many books on Autism that said sometimes a switch just flips and they begin to talk, well I think Peanuts switch has been flipped!
Last Sunday I told him after therapy Monday we were going to the Zoo. (which he recently developed a love for) I have a friend in town and she knows the Hospital Manager there so we got a "special tour". All the way to therapy he was in the back seat just jabbering away about snakes and seals. My friend said "does he ever stop talking" I told her he has NEVER done this before. He did fairly well at therapy they said they could tell he was excited, but he did good.
Well the conversation went on and on with him, yes I said conversation. He actually had a conversation with me. I asked a few questions and he actually answered, then he asked a few questions!
The talking has continued since then. We had VBS this week and I would ask "what did you do today" and HE ANSWERED! Now it wasn't in detail, but this is a kid who just a few weeks ago would to say "Yea what you do" when asked that question. I was told "I sing songs" and "I play games".
Monday he woke up and didn't feel good. He told me "Momma I reawwy sick". I tucked him in with a blanket and let him watch tv. (usually not time for tv in the morning) Next he told me "Momma ears hurt". This in hand I called the Doctor and made an appointment, he has an ear infection.
I was told the excitement could be heard in my voice as I called EVERYONE I knew and told them of his progress. Who wouldn't be busting at the seams with this happening!
It has been an INCREDIBLE WEEK!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Six Random Things
Lets see what is on my mind now
1. I have a slight case of OCD and have found this very difficult to deal with when you have children who have no concept of time or picking things up
2. I LOVE to cook, I am not so much of a baker because it takes too long but I love to try a new recipe
3. I can be a real BITCH if I get really mad. It takes a lot to get me to that point but once I am there...........it's on. Long story but just ask my old room mate
4. My absolute favorite sound in the world is hearing the boys laugh and play, my least favorite is to hear them scream
5. I am a middle child
6. I am older than my hubby
Monday, May 5, 2008
The balloon fiasco
I know everyone likes to brag on their kids, but this is a really cute story and I just have to share!
We were given balloons at therapy today because Children's Theater was there and Peanut totally had a fit about taking the balloons. I couldn't understand why he didn't want the balloons. On the way out to the car I realized why he didn't want them when he kept telling me "Hold on balloons Momma, hold on" and he kept watching them very closely. It finally clicked that he was scared that we were going to loose the balloons like we did after a birthday party in December. (Talk about memory, WOW!) He was ok once we got the balloons in the car. Well Sweet Pea let go of one as we were getting out of the car at home and it was gone. Peanut lost it and began to scream and yell for the balloon. He even took the other balloon himself into the house and hid it safely in his closet so it wouldn't fly off. As he is screaming I told him it was ok for the balloon to fly up in the sky and that we were giving it to Jesus. He seemed ok with that answer and when his brother said "balloon" he responded with " It ok, Sweet Pea we give it to Jesus"
Is your heart melting or what?! How cool is that!
I guess I've done something right if he wants to give his balloon to Jesus
Thursday, May 1, 2008
What the!!??!!
How can a person who spends one hour with my child once a week possibly think they know more about my child than I do? Preview into our big meeting in two weeks, it is not going to be a friendly meeting.
This Speech Therapist thinks that she knows more than a multi-diciplinary group about Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders? She told me today that they have his diagnosis all wrong and he has OCD and ADD. HMMM where is your PHD? I'm sorry but I am more inclined to believe the people who are trying to help my child than those who are trying to get out of it.
And get this she said his teacher sees ABSOLUTELY NO difference in him and the rest of the kids in his class and she has a note to prove it. I'm sorry but ARE YOU KIDDDING me you honestly see no difference in the language??!! The kid can't tell you what he did today but that is normal for a 4 year old? Um I don't think so. I am so glad next year he will have a liscenced teacher and not just someone's mom that needed to get out of the house!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Who needs to talk
Well as most of you know, Peanut is not so good with communication. He is a man of little words. Obviously talking is not important when you are as goodlooking as he is. I went to pick him up from school yesterday and what did I see but a harem of girls surrounding him and two were holding his hands. He walked out of the gate to get me and these little girls were climbing on the fence yelling "Bye Peanut". His father would have been so proud to see that moment.
Who can blame them, look at those big blue eyes and the blonde hair, I mean the boy has got it going on. Then you add the killer smile.....
No girl stands a chance.
We ran into his teacher at the store today and she informed me that he has a little "girlfriend" at school. They always eat lunch together and yesterday he helped her clean up her lunch because she got in trouble for not doing it. What a little man.
We had a little conversation tonight
Us: Peanut do you have a girlfriend
Peanut: Yes
Us: really, who is your girlfriend
Peanut: Book (well that is how he pronounces it so...)
Well "Book" is not the girl from school she is another girl friend so we asked if he had anymore girlfreinds and he said yes....."Little Red", still not the girl from school. So I guess he has MANY "girlfriends".
Is it just me or are they starting younger these days?
Monday, March 31, 2008
I'm Sorry
I'm sorry to all you mothers of "Perfect" children because mine are definitely not
I'm sorry to all you mothers who do not understand that a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder does not behave like your perfect little angels
I'm sorry that you are so narrow minded that you feel that only you know how to parent
I'm sorry but your "If you put enough fear in them they will listen" does not work with children with Autism, they only retreat further if you scare them
I'm sorry that you don't understand that a younger sibling ALWAYS looks to the older for how to act and when that sibling has Autism they may pick up some bad behaviors
I'm sorry you feel that it is your right to judge me, I thought that God was to be the only one to pass judgement
I'm sorry thzt you are so perfect yourself that you can't understand that shit happens
I am so very sorry that you will never fully understand what a blessing this child is
I'm sorry if you are reading this and came for entertainment and only got my ranting
OK, I am DONE apologizing
I am NOT sorry that God entrusted me with this perfect little angel
I am NOT sorry that he had so much faith in me that he thought I would be able to love and nurture a child with a disability
I am NOT sorry that I choose not to SCARE my children into submission
I am NOT sorry for the choices I make
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Amazing art`
Peanut had a birthday party to attend today for a little girl in his class. According to her he is her favorite person even grandma and grandpa were checking him out because she talks so much about him. How cute is that! I have a little stud muffin on my hands here. Apparently two other little girls in his class say the same thing. Hmmm, what really goes on in preschool.
One of the gifts the little girl got was a hand painted canvas with her name and the meaning of it. It was so beautiful. It was done by one of the other moms in his class. This woman does some amazing artwork! For Christmas she hand painted an ornament for each child that had them on it, and the detail on these were phenomenal! So I overhear her talking to another mom, this one I didn't know, and she is now making them to sell. You have to go check out her site.
I am getting the canvas with the boys names on it. If you tell her the style you want and colors she can do it to your specifications.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Quiet time
I do so enjoy the quiet time I so rarely get. I used to hate silence and always had the television or radio on for "background" noise. Crazy what motherhood does to you. I am sitting her in complete silence, well other than the tapping of the keyboard. Sheer BLISS!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The name of the lawyer gets thrown out there and all of the sudden the school board is interested in what I have to say and how I feel Peanut's progress is. And they are looking into other areas that they can work with him on. Interesting , Very interesting. I haven't even had a paid session with the lawyer yet.......
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Snarky looks
I am so sick of the snarky looks I get when I am out with the boys. I feel like I have to defend myself and my children to everyone. I am always explainig that Peanut has a form of Autism and there are things he just doesn't understand. Well maybe understand is not the right word to use here. I think if he actually heard what was said he would understand, but when he sees something that catches his attention or if he is in his "dialogue zone" he is in his own world and I think he has no clue what is going on around him.
I do discipline the boys and I do not let them run wild. Hello do you not see me trying to get him to settle down! So lady at the vet that kept giving me dirty looks today piss off! I think my Vet said it best today when he made the comment that it must be really hard with the oldest having Autism and the youngest looking to him as a role model. Now it's not like this didn't run through my head a few hundred times, but I just keep trying to stay consistent with the discipline and hope that Sweet Pea will begin to catch on to what he should be doing.
I may just be oversensitive, but I always feel like people look at me like I am a nut case. I know there have been times when I saw an intereaction between parent and child (now you know this was pre children) and thought that they needed to get a grip on things.
Note to all, NEVER look at another parent and make a quick judgement on their parenting skill. You have absolutely no idea what their situation in life is or what they have been through prior to you coming into the picture.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Talk, Talk, Talk
This has been an incredible week! Peanut has been talking so much and actually telling us things.
New sentences:
"Momma, I go playground"
"Momma, I want drink"
"Momma, I don't want it"
"I go pee outside" (long story, I won't get into it)
"I want little table"
"I want write"
"I don't want wake up, I tired"
"You got a be nice to papa"
So I know there are a lot of wants, but thats the kicker he never really told us what he wanted in an actually sentence it was always "milk" or "water" and always in a very whiney voice. It is awesome to hear him say "momma, I want...."
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This may not seem like a big deal to many, but my little man told me what he did today. Now it was not an eloquent conversation and it took a few times asking, but HE ANSWERED MY QUESTION!
He has also started telling me "momma I hungry" HUGE STEP!!!!
I am just giddy with joy!
My silly little girl has found a bed for herself. She can get comfortable ANYWHERE!
Don't ask how that could be comfortable, but obviously she thinks it is
Monday, February 25, 2008
Why even bother
My husband says he is going to help "clean" the house and he will start by cleaning the bathrooms upstairs to make things easier this week for me. So I'm upstairs bathing the boys and I look at the toilet and it is still dirty. I know he "swished the bowl" but that does not make for a clean toilet. The whole thing needs to be wiped down from top to bottom, hello we have two little boys peeing in there and they don't really have good aim at this age. Next we are brushing teeth and I get a look at the mirror, yep you guessed it he did not wipe that down either. So according to him all you need to do to clean the bathroom is wipe the tub, counters and inside of the toilet bowl. Yes hunny you made it so much easier for me. I still have to clean the bathrooms myself!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
What was I thinking
So you know we have a new puppy. Well in telling my mom about the puppy I told her about these Basset Hound puppies that a lady had at the vet the same time. She immediately exclamed "Oh, I would love a Basset puppy". The parents have been considering another dog for a while now so I asked if she was serious and if she was I would get it for her for her birthday, which is this week.
Why didn't someone slap me? I offered to hang on to the pup until she gets here in two weeks! That makes 4 dogs in my house right now. The little bastard has peed on my floor so many times I am about to kill him. I don't know how he does it. He walks around the entire yard peeing and then comes in and five minutes later he is peeing on the floor again! He peed on the floor more times in the first 4 hours we had him then our sweet Bela has the entire week. (Bela by the way whines at the door to go out, how cool is that we have a pretty smart cookie here)
Ok, so what the biggest problem is, he is SO DAMN CUTE I can't stay mad at him! NO FAIR!
I blame it on Peanut, he picked him out!
What's your Name
I know this may not seem like a lot to most people, but those of you who know us know that Peanut doesn't have very good communication skills. Imagine my surprise and joy when the little girl behind us in church asked Peanut his name and he immediately without prompting replied "Peanut". I got tears in my eyes I was so proud!!!!! What a great DAY!
Look Momma!
Ah, little boys are great! Here is a transcript of a thrilling event today
Peanut: I got to poot
Momma: Well go then
Peanut: (calling from the bathroom) Look momma green poot
Momma: what?
Peanut: Green and brown poot
Peanut: Bye Bye Green poot
Just as a side note, he doesn't normally have green "poot" but we had his birthday party yesterday and he ate a LOT of icing.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
6 lbs 3 oz and fuzzy to boot!
We really didn't need to add to our clan, but when I saw this little angel my heart melted.
Your heart melted too didn't it?!
Just look at that cute little face. People kept saying she looks big, but the few people who have seen her in person say she isn't as big as she looks.
Here is a decent picture of the whole crew. The other (non-human) kids are adjusting to her. Although if you judge by Sadie's look she could care less. She just wanted a treat for sitting for a picture.
Peanut is the most fun to watch with her. He absolutely LOVES her. He keeps carrying her around and telling her "Come on Vewa sit by Peanut". Sweet Pea, who is not much of a dog person, even loves her. He actually let her climb on him. He is always telling the other dogs to go away.
Yes, as my friend so kindly told me I am a NUT for adding to the Chaos in my home, but she is cute!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
There is a light!
There is a light at the end of that L-O-N-G dark tunnel the school board has you walking through, it just takes a Lawyer to finally enable you to see it. They put so much crap in front of you and cloud the way, Lawyer lady is a Superhero who comes in and clears the path. Ok, so it may take some time but the outlook is good.
Not to all parents dealing with ASD's get a Lawyer, the school board is screwing you out of services you are entitled to by law!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
99.999% reliability?????
Unless there is bad weather. I am seriously sick of the power going out! I am tired of resetting everything!
Say what you will
Poodlehead has made a few comments about "the Kangaroo on Cocaine" so since the boys are still sleeping(YEA!!!)I thought I would throw my comments out there. I love this class! It kicks my butt during the class and I feel like I have got the wind knocked out of me at times, but the after affect is AWESOME. This is only the second time we took the class, but I do have to say that both days I took the class I have had serious energy boosts! Maybe it's not the exercising at all, just the sheer joy that I made it through alive but I am hooked......it's my new drug.
Ah, silence in the afternoon is golden! My two little boys decided to cut their tired old mom a break and sleep this afternoon. Now I can catch up on the latest gossip I have been dying to read!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Here goes Random mommy
This may be a little boring, but here goes
Why do you blog? I really don't have an answer for this one, I guess because everyone else I know does. (Lame I know.) But I have found it is a great way to vent at times
What was the first blog you ever read? I'm a mom, honestly before that I am embarrased to say I did not know exactly what a blog was. (Yes I am technologically challenged.)
What was the first blog that had you hooked? I'm a mom and Random mommy (and unlike poodlehead I thought you were fun before reading your posts). I love the wit and brutal honesty in their posts.
Which blogger friend would you most like to meet in real person? I don't have any blogger friends that I haven't already met in real person. Remember I am the follower.
Which blog do you admire the most, why? I can't pick one, I really like I'm a mom and Random mommy for the reasons stated above, but I also like to check our Blue momma's because she gives some insight into who she is there
How different are you in real life than in your blog?I'm not , I'm pretty boring in both arenas.
How many blogs do you keep up with on a daily basis? I don't know if I get to them daily, but I visit all in my daily intake as often as possible ( I'm nosey and I want to know what's going on in other people's lives)
Link to your 123rd post. Or your 3rd, if you don't have back to the technologically challenged, I am having trouble with this one..........
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
All doped up
All I can say is I will NEVER give Peanut this Rx again! I swear he was literally climbing the walls. I couldn't even hold him still. Sad to say he has to suffer with his symptoms until this cold passes because I can't handle another day like this.
Little Apple Thief
I never thought I would say I'm proud of my child being a theif, but today I am. Sweet Pea doesn't usually have a good appetite so to watch him calmly walk over and take Peanut's apple slices one at a time was priceless. Peanut was so involved in the movie on the television, he didn't notice until they were all gone. How bad am I to sit and watch it all happen......
Saturday, January 19, 2008
First snow experience
Yippeee! It actually snowed! We lived in KY for a year and a half and didn't get as much as we did today here. The boys had so much fun. I just wish I got Poppa out of bed early enough to get out their when it was still snowing. It had stopped by the time we finally got outside. I did get some cute pics
The first glimps into our little winter wonderland
Snowball fight!
Our first snowman. (So he is a little small what do you expect!)
It's so sad the snow is all gone already.......
Friday, January 18, 2008
Bathroom boredom
This is what happens when a three year old (well almost four year old) is left to go potty by himself.
Yes that was a brand new roll of toilet paper!